Your Life in Words

August 10, 2009

Just me and my book

Filed under: Misc — Nancy J. Miller @ 2:59 pm

I’ve waited years to have time to write. My personal vision statement includes self-expression as one of my deep values. I’ve taken notes, journaled, written papers, presentations, and workshops. Now it’s time to put it all together – a blending of my career story so to speak.

I have so many ideas, thoughts, and feelings. I can’t wait to go to my computer or find a pen and paper to write them down. Now I am here at my computer with journal books, small slips of paper, numerous folders and documents, and my head just spins or draws a blank. It was so much fun to just write. Then I decided my great idea could be a book. I want to copyright my idea and share it in more than a workshop. Other people have already started using it just from the workshops I’ve presented. But then I decided that it should be a book. A book is a lot more work than presentations, classes, and worksheets. In the muck & muddle of trying to sort out all of the information I have gathered, I seem to lose the magic.

I went out to the garden this morning and watched the vegetables and herbs growing. Some get stuck in one position, while others grow like crazy without producing much. I watch the way the garden grows and realize that I am growing a book. Writing for a blog or social networking site is easy. It’s bits and pieces strewn together day by day. But a book is where it all comes together. It’s like taking individual vegetables and herbs and simmering them slowly until the flavors all blend together in harmony. When I feel the harmony of words, I get so excited that I have to stop for a moment and take a deep breath. Then I go back to putting together the puzzle that is my book.


  1. I love this phrase: “I watch the way the garden grows and realize that I am growing a book.” What a beautiful way to look at the creative process!

    The harmony of words calls to me, as well. Alas, I’ve been putting off the characters in mind for so long (in favor of my non-fiction work), I can just feel them sitting there in the waiting room anxiously tapping their fingers.

    At some point I will have to honor them (they chose me, right?) and tell their stories.

    Good luck on your book! I look forward to hearing more about your journey.

    Comment by Carma — August 10, 2009 @ 8:10 pm | Reply

  2. Thank you for your comment. Writing is a fairly smooth process for some, but for others of us progress comes in growth spurts. Some unwritten stories stay with me and evolve while others seem to fade like a memory that needs to be recalled. Stay in touch. Let us know how your writing is coming along. Writing itself can be such a private isolated process until the work is unveiled to the world. I have been sharing my garden characters which keeps them alive and thriving.

    Comment by Nancy Miller — August 10, 2009 @ 9:12 pm | Reply

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