Your Life in Words

July 13, 2010


Filed under: Writing — Nancy J. Miller @ 3:11 pm


My words
On a Wall
In a Book
In an Office
In a Library
In a Home

In the hands of
An Architect
A Doctor
A Counselor
A Teacher
A Mother

No fear of what I
Missed out on
Can’t do
Don’t know
Haven’t perfected
Can’t see

I’ll imagine
A Picture
An Image
A Map
A Dream
A Rainbow

My Vision will drive me forward

July 10, 2010

Blogging and Social Networking

Filed under: Writing — Nancy J. Miller @ 5:28 pm

There are so many ways to write and so many different reasons for making your contribution through words. Blogging is a great way to journal, get your ideas out there, have accountability for your ramblings, and get feedback. I love blogging. It is also a way to organize my thoughts and ideas as well as seeing my progress. I can go back and look at blogs I wrote five years ago. I can use those ideas, see my growth, and amaze myself with all that I have written. I need to edit, but not as thoroughly as writing an article or book. Blogging is a fun way to share my ideas and resources.

Writing articles takes more time and effort, but they go out to a larger more focused audience. When I write an article for publishing I feel like I am back in school. I am forced to follow rules and constraints. I don’t like the process, but the discipline helps me in my writing.

Commenting on blogs and articles I am interested in broadens my network. It is so much fun to hear from someone I don’t know that has a common interest. I find websites, blogs, and links that I want to read and share.

Joining social networking groups on Facebook and Linkedin is another way to write and share information with like minded people. Quite honestly I quickly become overwhelmed with all of the groups I am a member of. I keep busy enough managing groups for the association I belong to. With so much information out there, I am finding that I need to narrow my focus to what I am most interested in right now. I want to dabble in everything, but I also want to know what I am talking about. I plan to clear out the groups I am least interested in and focus on my current interests and projects.

All of this writing helps me hone my communication skills. I am writing cleaner and more concise. I love run on sentences, and I tend to presume people know what I am talking about in my writing. With practice I am getting so much better! The next step is to look into freelance writing.

Discipline and Creativity

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy J. Miller @ 4:06 pm

Can discipline and creativity work together to make you more productive in your business or craft? Time freedom is a very high value for me. I don’t like to force myself into schedules, and I find it difficult to be creative in a scheduled environment. But forcing myself to schedule some of my time for writing, walking, gardening, and helping others even if I don’t feel like it increases my productivity. 

I often have to force myself away from my computer to move around, find a change of scenery or call a friend. Finding inspiration through meeting with like minded people, reading great books, or going outside are some of the best ways to keep me writing. I need to keep my mind fresh and active or I will begin to wilt.

The article “Six Steps to Creative Success” reminded me to not stress over perfection, but spend my time on activities that stimulate creativity.

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